Monday, November 30, 2020

Got A Microsoft Xbox Series X Or Series S Console? You May Want To Download This Update Now

There also the new “Optimized for Series X|S” badge that will now be added to the game tiles in the My Games and Apps section. There are more than 39 fully optimized games for the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S.

from Top Tech News-

Cyber Monday Poised To Mark Record For U.S. Online Retail Sales

Cyber Monday was set to become the biggest online shopping day ever for the United States, garnering up to $11.4 billion as the coronavirus pandemic prompts consumers to stay at home and turn to the internet for their holiday shopping needs.

from Top Tech News-

5G Is the Fastest Deployed Mobile Network, Will Reach 1 Billion People By Year End: Ericsson

By the end of this year, the report says that there will be 218 million 5G subscriptions around the world, up from Ericsson's forecast of 190 million back in June.

from Top Tech News-

Canada Plans Digital Tax In 2022 On Global Tech Giants Such As Facebook, Google

Canada plans to impose a tax on corporations providing digital services from 2022 that will stay in place until major nations come up with a coordinated approach on taxation, the Finance Department said on Monday.

from Top Tech News-

Matera Loses Captaincy, Among 3 Players Suspended By Pumas

Pablo Matera has been stripped of the captaincy of the Argentina national rugby team and suspended along with two teammates over historic social media posts which have been deemed discriminatory and xenophobic.

from Top World News-

संदीप कटारिया को मिला प्रमोशन, बने बाटा के ग्लोबल CEO

संदीप कटारिया पहले भारतीय हैं जो बाटा में टॉप लेवल पर पहुंचे हैं। कटारिया Alexis Nasard की जगह लेंगे

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

ज्यादातर सेक्टरों ने भी बाउंसबैक के बाद GDP पर क्या है ब्रोकरेज हाउसेज की राय

कोरोना और लॉकडाउन की मार से निकलकर इंडिया की ग्रोथ स्टोरी रफ्तार पकड़ चुकी है। दूसरी तिमाही में GDP माइनस 7.5 प्रतिशत पर आ गई है।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Market live:आज से लागू होंगे पीक मार्जिन के नए नियम, इंट्राडे में लेवरेज पर लगेगी लगाम

भारतीय बाजारों केलिए ग्लोबल मार्केट से संकेत पॉजिटिव दिख रहे हैं। शुक्रवार को SP 500 की रिकॉर्ड क्लोजिंग हुई थी।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Global market:ग्लोबल मार्केट से संकेत पॉजिटिव, एशिया, Dow Futures में मजबूती

भारतीय बाजारों केलिए ग्लोबल मार्केट से संकेत पॉजिटिव दिख रहे हैं। शुक्रवार को SP 500 की रिकॉर्ड क्लोजिंग हुई थी।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

स्टॉक 20-20 (1 दिसंबर): मुनाफे के 20 चुनिंदा स्टॉक्स

हम आपको उन 20 स्टॉक्स के बारे में जानकारी देंगे जिनमें आज ट्रेडिंग कर के आप कमा सकते हैं मुनाफा।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Thought Microsoft Surface Pro X Is The Best Fit For Windows 10? Apple's M1 Embarrasses The Surface

The latest experiment makes the M1-powered Mac about 60 to 85 percent faster than the fastest Windows on ARM device.

from Top Tech News-

Biden Wins in Arizona, Wisconsin Certified, Further Cementing Trump Loss

Joe Biden has proceeded with the transition process, despite efforts by Trump and his campaign to undo the election, and is due to be sworn in on January 20.

from Top World News-

Trump's Coronavirus Advisor Who Advocated Against Mask-wearing Resigns

Scott Atlas attracted controversy during much of his time working for the outgoing president, and his resignation comes with Covid-19 cases surging nationwide.

from Top World News-

Hong Kong Leader Reiterates Call To Stay At Home To Curb Spread Of COVID-19

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam on Tuesday again urged residents of the densely populated city to stay at home and avoid unnecessary family gatherings as the global financial hub scrambles to contain a rise in coronavirus cases.

from Top World News-

Why Joe Biden's Broken Foot Reveals How Different His White House Will Be From Donald Trump's

The transparency coming from Biden's transition team about hairline fractures in the President-elect's foot suggests that the effort by the Trump White House to actively obfuscate when asked basic questions about the President's health is over.

from Top World News-

Scott Atlas Resigns As Special Adviser To Trump On Coronavirus

Dr. Scott Atlas has resigned as special adviser to President Donald Trump, a White House official said on Monday, after a controversial four months during which he clashed repeatedly with other members of the coronavirus task force.

from Top World News-

Trump Headed To Georgia As Turnout Driver, But Also A Threat

Some establishment Republicans are sounding alarms that President Donald Trumps conspiratorial denials of his own defeat could threaten the partys ability to win a Senate majority and counter Presidentelect Joe Bidens administration.

from Top World News-

OPEC+ Postpones Talks To Dec 3 Amid Disagreements - Sources

OPEC and allies led by Russia postponed talks on oil output policy for 2021 to Thursday, three sources said on Monday as key players still disagreed on how much oil they should pump amid weak demand due to the coronavirus pandemic.

from Top World News-

US Congress Races to Avoid December Government Shutdown Amid Pandemic

Donald Trump already has warned that he would veto a wide-ranging defense authorization bill Congress aims to pass if a provision is included stripping Confederate leaders’ names from military bases.

from Top World News-

Petrol Diesel Price: लगातार दूसरे दिन पेट्रोल-डीजल के दाम में फेरबदल नहीं, जानिए अपने शहर में तेल के भाव

दिल्ली में 9 दिन में पेट्रोल 1.28 रुपये और डीजल 1.96 रुपये महंगा हो चुका है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Protest Staged Over Murder Of French Businessman In Mexico

A few hundred people marched in central Mexico City on Monday to protest the killing of a French businessman and his Mexican colleague over the weekend, the latest violent crime to inflame concerns about security in the country.

from Top World News-

Trump Science Adviser Scott Atlas Leaving White House Job

Dr. Scott Atlas, a science adviser to President Donald Trump who was skeptical of measures to control the coronavirus outbreak, is leaving his White House post.

from Top World News-

Wisconsin, Arizona Certify Biden Wins In Presidential Vote

Two battleground states, Wisconsin and Arizona, certified their presidential election results Monday in favor of Joe Biden, even as President Donald Trump's legal team continued to dispute the results.

from Top World News-

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Iran Mulls Response as it Prepares to Bury Killed Nuclear Scientist

Two days after Mohsen Fakhrizadeh died from wounds sustained in a firefight between his guards and unidentified gunmen near Tehran, parliament demanded a halt to international inspections of Iranian nuclear sites.

from Top World News-

With 4 Lakh Estimated Deaths Due to Malaria Last Year, WHO Warns Fight Against Disease Flat-lining

In its World Malaria Report 2020, the WHO said progress against the mosquito-borne disease was plateauing, particularly in African countries bearing the brunt of cases and deaths.

from Top World News-

Twitter Suspends Thailand Royalist Account Pushing Campaign for Monarchy Amid Fiery Democracy Protests

The Reuters review found tens of thousands of tweets that an expert said appeared to be from accounts amplifying royalist messaging in a push to counter a months-long protest movement that has swelled from opposing the government to breaking a longstanding taboo by challenging the monarchy.

from Top World News-

'Diverse Perspectives at Work': All Women in Joe Biden's Senior White House Press Team

Communicating directly and truthfully to the American people is one of the most important duties of a President, and this team will be entrusted with the tremendous responsibility of connecting the American people to the White House, Biden said in a statement.

from Top World News-

Farmers Protest Update: किसानों की केंद्र सरकार को दो टूक, कहा -जाम करेंगे दिल्ली के 5 एंट्री पॉइंट

किसान नेताओं ने केंद्र सरकार के प्रस्ताव को ठुकरा दिया है और कहा है कि बुराड़ी मैदान नहीं जाएंगे वो ओपन जेल है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Indian Railways: देश के सभी रेलवे स्टेशनों पर ले सकेंगे कुल्हड़ में चाय की चुस्की, रेल मंत्री ने किया ऐलान

रेल मंत्री पीयूष गोयल ने कहा है कि अभी देश में करीब 400 रेलवे स्टेशनों पर कुल्हड़ में ही चाय मिलती है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Hyderabad Elections: ओवैसी के गढ़ में अमित शाह की दहाड़, निजाम संस्कृति से मिलेगी मुक्ति, बनाएंगे IT हब

केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने कहा है कि रोहिंग्या पर कार्रवाई करता हूं तो विपक्ष के लोग चिल्लाने लग जाते हैं

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

1 दिसंबर से इन नियमों में हो रहा है बड़ा बदलाव, जानिए आम लोगों पर कितना पड़ेगा असर

1 दिसंबर से RTGS, LPG, रेलवे जैसे कई नियमों में बदलाव हो रहा है। जिसका आप पर सीधा असर पड़ेगा

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

प्रदर्शन कर रहे किसानों से बातचीत करने के लिए गृह सचिव ने भेजा न्योता, बॉर्डर पर डटे हैं किसान

कृषि कानूनों के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन कर रहे किसानों के धरने का आज चौथा दिन है। किसान दिल्ली की सीमा पर 26 नवंबर से प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

दिल्ली: 31 दिसंबर तक 50 फीसदी सरकारी कर्मचारी करेंगे घर से काम, आदेश जारी

दिल्ली में कोरोना वायरस के बढ़ते मामलों के चलते सरकारी दफ्तर में 50 फीसदी कर्मचारी घर से काम करेंगे

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

भारतीय सीमा के पास चीन का निर्माण काम जारी, अमेरिकी सांसद ने बताया \'उकसावे से भरा कदम\'

पूर्वी लद्दाख में वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा (LAC) के पास भारत और चीन के बीच मई से सैन्य गतिरोध की स्थिति बनी हुई है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Weather Alert: उत्तर भारत में बढ़ी शीत लहर, इन राज्यों में भारी बारिश की संभावना

मौसम विज्ञान विभाग का कहना है कि दक्षिणी राज्यों में एक दिसंबर से भारी बारिश हो सकती है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Mann Ki Baat Updates: नए कानूनों से दूर होगी किसानों की समस्याएं :पीएम मोदी

मन की बात में पीएम मोदी ने कृषि कानूनों का भी जिक्र किया। साथ ही कोरोना वायरस से सावधान रहने की अपील की

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

RTGS New Timing: 1 दिसंबर से RTGS टाइमिंग बदल जाएगी, चेक कीजिए डिटेल

RTGS पेमेंट हुआ आसान, जब चाहें तब पेमेंट कर सकते हैं क्योंकि 1 दिसंबर से यह सुविधा 24X7 मिलेगी

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

छत्तीसगढ़ के सुकमा में IED धमाके में कोबरा बटालियन के अफसर की मौत, 10 कमांडो घायल

सुकमा में हुए इस हादसे में CoBRA बटालियन के असिस्टेंट कमांडेंट नितिन पी बालेराव ( Nitin P Balerao) की मौत हो गई

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Coronavirus News LIVE Updates: एक दिन में 41,810 नए मामले, संक्रमितों की संख्या 93.9 लाख से ज्यादा

ICMR के मुताबिक, 28 नवंबर तक देश में कुल 13,95,03,803 सैंपल टेस्ट किए गए थे। जबकि सिर्फ शनिवार को 12,83,449 सैंपल टेस्ट हुए

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट वैक्सीन के इमरजेंसी यूज ऑथराइजेशन लेने की कोशिश में: अदार पूनावाला

सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट Covishield वैक्सीन बना रही है जिसे ऑक्सफोर्ड और एस्ट्राजेनेका मिलकर डेवलप कर रही है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

दिल्ली में कोरोना संक्रमण के 4,998 नए मामले, संक्रमण की स्पीड घटी

स्वास्थ्य मंत्री सत्येंद्र जैन ने कहा कि दिल्ली में Covid-19 के मरीजों के लिए आरक्षित बेड में 50 फीसदी अभी खाली हैं

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

बुराड़ी मैदान में प्रदर्शन करने को राजी हों किसान तो होगी बातचीत: अमित शाह

सिंघू बॉर्डर पर पहले से मौजूद किसानों के अलावा पंजाब और हरियाणा से और किसान भी यहां पहुंच गए हैं

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Oil Prices Slip In Cautious Trading Ahead Of OPEC+ Meeting

Oil prices fell about 1% on Monday amid investor jitters ahead of an OPEC+ meeting to decide whether the producers' group will extend large output cuts to balance global markets.

from Top World News-

President-elect Joe Biden Sprains Ankle While Playing With Dog

Presidentelect Joe Biden sprained his ankle while playing with one of his dogs but didn't appear to suffer any broken bones, his office said on Sunday, citing Biden's personal physician.

from Top World News-

Trump Promises Continued Election Fight As Biden Makes Key Appointments

President Donald Trump questioned on Sunday whether the Supreme Court would ever hear a case airing his unproven allegations of widespread election fraud, as Presidentelect Joe Biden named more officials for leading roles in his new administration.

from Top World News-

Biden To Nominate Tanden, Rouse And Others To Economic Team, WSJ Reports

Presidentelect Joe Biden plans to nominate Center for American Progress Chief Executive Neera Tanden as director of the Office of Management and Budget and economist Cecilia Rouse as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

from Top World News-

Mysterious Monolith in US Desert Reportedly Disappears

The shiny, triangular pillar which protruded some 12 feet from the red rocks of southern Utah, was spotted on November 18 by baffled local officials counting bighorn sheep from the air.

from Top World News-

Afghanistan Car Bombing Kills At Least 30 Security Force Personnel

A car bombing in the Afghanistan's central province of Ghazni killed at least 30 Afghan security force members on Sunday, officials said, and casualties could increase given the intensity and location of the blast.

from Top World News-

Greek Ship Crew Held Hostage after Nigeria Kidnapping, Makes it 23rd Such Incident This Year

Pirates took the captain and two of the crew of the Stelios K hostage, but the two sailors left on board were able to steer it back to a safe berth in Lagos.

from Top World News-

Suicide Car Bomb Kills 26 Afghan Security Personnel

The attack occurred on the outskirts of Ghazni city, capital of the eastern province of Ghazni, which has seen regular fighting between the Taliban and government forces.

from Top World News-

Moto G9 Plus Reportedly Spotted in BIS Certification Listing, May Come to India Later This Year

The Moto G9 Plus was launched in Brazil in September this year.

from Top Tech News-

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Realme 7 Pro Gets Android 11-Based Realme UI 2.0 Update Via Early Access Program

The Realme 7 Pro comes with a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display having a full-HD+ 2400 x 1080-pixel resolution with a 20:9 aspect ratio, 180Hz touch sampling rate and 600 nits of peak brightness.

from Top Tech News-

Singaporean Gives Birth To Baby With COVID-19 Antibodies - Report

A Singaporean woman, who was infected with the novel coronavirus in March when she was pregnant, has given birth to a baby with antibodies against the virus, offering a new clue as to whether the infection can be transferred from mother to child.

from Top World News-

Six Explosions In Eritrean Capital Asmara, Says U.S. State Department

Six explosions were reported in the Eritrean capital, Asmara, on Saturday night, the U.S. State Department said, although it was not immediately clear if they were related to the conflict in the neighbouring Tigray region of Ethiopia.

from Top World News-

Amid Farmer's Protest, Instagram Blocks #Sikh Hashtag Again; Second Such Incident This Year

In June as well, Instagram and its parent Facebook were spotted blocking the #sikh hashtag on their platforms.

from Top Tech News-

Phillips Hits Fastest T20 Ton For New Zealand As Hosts Bag Series

Glenn Phillips smashed the fastest Twenty20 international hundred for New Zealand to help the hosts to a 72run win against West Indies on Sunday and an unassailable 20 lead in the threematch series.

from Top World News-

China Halts Operation At Korean Chip Plant After Worker Tests Positive For Coronavirus

A Chinese factory owned by South Korean semiconductor giant SK Hynix Inc halted operations on Sunday after a plant worker was found to have an asymptomatic infection of the novel coronavirus, the official news agency Xinhua reported.

from Top World News-

Micromax IN 1B Offers Different Android Flavours: Which Variant Will You Pick?

The Micromax In 1B's first sale was delayed minutes before it was supposed to go live, owing to issues with logistics.

from Top Tech News-

Apple iPhone 12 Studio: You Can Painstakingly Consider Every Case And Wallet For Your New iPhone 12

The Apple India Online Store has this rather cool tool called the iPhone 12 Studio that lets you select every one of the four new iPhone 12 series phones and match them the official Apple cases and wallet accessories. These include MagSafe cases and the Wallet with MagSafe options for the iPhone 12 series.

from Top Tech News-

Samsung Galaxy M51 Review: Excellent Battery, Smooth Performance Hide its Tiny Flaws

The Samsung Galaxy M51 is like that kid in your school who wasn’t the outright best, but was still acceptably good at almost everything despite his annoying habits.

from Top Tech News-

Reports of China's Construction Activities Along Ladakh Border 'Provocative Measure' if True, Says US Lawmaker

India and China have been locked in a military standoff, which began in May, along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh.</p>

from Top World News-

In El Salvador, Arrested Gang Members Paraded For The Cameras

Hundreds of handcuffed Salvadoran gang members were displayed before assembled reporters on Saturday, a vivid show of President Nayib Bukele's policy of confronting them and the violent crime they are accused of committing.

from Top World News-

South Korea Mulls Stricter Social Distancing As COVID-19 Spike Continues

South Korean authorities will consider tighter social distancing restrictions on Sunday to clamp down on economic activities after last week saw the fastest spread of infections since the early days of the COVID19 pandemic.

from Top World News-

Coronavirus Deaths Hit New Daily Record In Greece

Greece reported 121 coronavirusrelated deaths on Saturday, a daily record, with hospitals in the north of the country under pressure as intensive care beds fill up with COVID19 patients.

from Top World News-

UK Says Tough Tiers Needed As PM Tries To See Off Lawmaker Backlash

England needs tough restrictions after its current lockdown ends if hospitals are not to become overwhelmed, a senior minister said, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote to lawmakers to say the measures would end in February to try to quell opposition.

from Top World News-

Severe Fire Danger For Australia As Temperatures Smash Records

Parts of Australia, including Sydney, sweltered through the hottest November night on record with temperatures likely to stay high on Sunday, prompting authorities to issue a total fire ban.

from Top World News-

Explainer - How Close Is Iran To Producing A Nuclear Bomb?

A 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers is being eroded and efforts to revive the pact face a new challenge with the killing of Tehran's top nuclear scientist.

from Top World News-

All Blacks' Win Over Pumas Eases Pressure On Head Coach

The exacting standard to which New Zealand rugby fans hold All Blacks coaches is evident again at the end of a turbulent 2020 season in which the national team played only six test matches.

from Top World News-

West Indies Win Toss, Bowl In Second T20 Vs New Zealand

West Indies captain Kieron Pollard won a raindelayed toss and chose to bowl Sunday in the second Twenty20 cricket international against New Zealand at Bay Oval.

from Top World News-

Friday, November 27, 2020

Petrol Diesel Price: पेट्रोल-डीजल के दाम में भारी बढ़ोतरी, जानिए अपने शहर में तेल के भाव

इंटरनेशनल मार्केट में कच्चे तेल के दाम में नरमी आने के बाद डोमेस्टिक मार्केट में पेट्रोल-डीजल के दाम में तगड़ा उछाल आया है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

PM मोदी आज Zydus, Serum और Bharat Biotech के मुख्यालय जाकर लेंगे वैक्सीन का जायजा

पीएम मोदी आज Zydus Cadila, Serum Institute of India और Bharat Biotech के मुख्यालय का दौरा करेंगे

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Uzbekistan To Repatriate More Citizens From Crowded Syrian Camps - Source

Uzbekistan plans to repatriate another group of its citizens, mostly women and children, from Syria where they are staying at crowded camps with other families of Islamic State fighters, an Uzbek government source told Reuters on Friday.

from Top World News-

Italy Loosens COVID Restrictions In Five Regions, Including Lombardy

The Italian government will ease antiCOVID restrictions in five regions from Sunday, including in the country's richest and most populous region Lombardy, the Health Ministry said.

from Top World News-