Sunday, May 31, 2020

Japan's May Factory Activity Sinks as Pandemic Lockdowns Hit Demand: Survey

The survey pointed to the quickest contraction in output, new orders and work backlog since early 2009, as government-imposed lockdowns globally halted economic activity.

from Top World News-

More Than a Million Covid-19 Cases in Latin America and Caribbean, Half of Them in Brazil

Since the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic 1,016,828 people have been infected, with 514,849 cases recorded in Brazil.

from Top World News-

China Making 'Awful' Threats to India for Long Time, Using Situation to Its Advantage: Pompeo

'The Chinese Communist Party has been on this effort, on this march, for an awfully long time. They'll certainly use a tactical situation on the ground to their advantage. But each of the problems that you identified there are threats that they have been making for an awfully long time,' he said.

from Top World News-

Curfew Announced in Washington After Anti-racism Protests Near White House

Mayor Muriel Bowser said in a statement that the curfew would last from 11:00 pm until 6:00 am on Monday.

from Top World News-

Israeli Police Probe False Claims in Case Against PM's Wife Sara Netanyahu

Sara Netanyahu faces a civil lawsuit from former employee Shira Raban, who claims the premier's wife mistreated her during a brief stint working at the residence. Raban seeks $63,000 in damages over alleged mistreatment and harassment.

from Top World News-

China Reports 16 New Covid-19 Cases, Highest in Nearly Three Weeks

Chinese state television reported that the Sichuan cases came on a flight from Egypt, and another six asymptomatic cases were found on the same flight.

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Mississippi Mayor Apologises for Tweets on George Floyd's Death After Facing Backlash

Petal Mayor Hal Marx told the Hattiesburg American his remarks on social media about Floyd's death, which occurred after a white police officer kneeled on his neck, "were made in haste and not well-thought out or expressed."

from Top World News-

Trump Briefly Taken to Underground Presidential Bunker During Anti-racism Protests Outside White House

The President was there for a little under an hour before being brought upstairs. It's unclear if first lady Melania Trump and Barron Trump were also taken down with him.

from Top World News-

Russia Has No Objection to Earlier OPEC+ Meeting, Say Sources

This could indicate that Russia is moving closer to an agreement with OPEC's de facto leader, Saudi Arabia, on how to extend oil production cuts for the rest of the year.

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US Will Consider Rejoining WHO if it Ends Corruption, Reliance on China: White House

President Donald Trump on Friday terminated America's relationship with the WHO and accused the global health body of being hand in glove with China.

from Top World News-

US Sends Brazil More Than 2 Million Doses of Malaria Drug Unproven for Covid-19 Treatment

No large, rigorous scientific studies have found the drug, hydroxychloroquine, safe or effective for preventing or treating Covid-19, and some smaller studies have indicated worse outcomes from those taking the drug.

from Top World News-

Global market:ग्लोबल संकेत अच्छे, एशिया में मजबूती, शुक्रवार को रिकवरी के साथ बंद हुए थे अमेरिकी बाजार

अमेरिकी बाजार शुक्रवार को मिलेजुले बंद हुए थे। Dow निचले स्तर से 350 अंक सुधरकर बंद हुआ था।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

सोनम वांगचुक ने देशवासियों से की अपील, कहा चीनी सामान का करें बहिष्कार

वांगचुक ने कहा कि मैं अपने मोबाइल से सभी चीनी गेम और इस चीनी मोबाइल को एक हफ्ते बाद निकाल दूंगा

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

महाराष्ट्र में कुछ छूट के साथ 30 जून तक बढ़ा लॉकडाउन, जानिए किसे मिली इजाजत

राज्य सरकार ने धीरे-धीरे गतिविधियों को खोलने की मंजूरी दी है। जिसका नाम Mission Begin Again रखा है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

एयर इंडिया का पायलट कोरोना संक्रमित, फ्लाइट को वापस दिल्ली बुलाया

एयर इंडिया ने विदेश में फंसे भारतीयों को वापस लाने के लिए 4 से 6 जून के बीच अतिरिक्त उड़ानों की घोषणा की है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

मधु कपूर अब यस बैंक की प्रमोटर नहीं रहीं, राणा कपूर के पास केवल 900 शेयर बचे

SBI के पूर्व चीफ फाइनेंशियल ऑफिसर (chief financial officer –CFO) प्रशांत कुमार यस बैंक में CEO हैं

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

केंद्र से केजरीवाल सरकार की गुहार, सैलरी देने के लिए नहीं है पैसे, 5000 करोड़ की मांगी मदद

कोरोना वायरस के चलते दिल्ली में केजरीवाल सरकार आर्थिक संकट से जूझ रही है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

ट्रंप ने G7 Summit सितंबर तक टाली, भारत समेत इन देशों को न्योते का प्लान

G-7 के सदस्य कनाडा, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, जापान, ब्रिटेन, इटली और अमेरिका हैं

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

टिड्डी दल से पीएम मोदी भी चिंतित, मन की बात में किया जिक्र

टिड्डी दल के उत्तर भारत के साथ-साथ बिहार और ओडिशा में जाने की संभावना जताई जा रही है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

PM Modi Mann ki baat Update : अन्य देशों के मुकाबले हमारे देश में कम फैला है कोरोना

पीएम मोदी ने कहा कि कोरोना संकट में जो हालात संभले हैं उसे हमें बिगड़ने नहीं देना है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Coronavirus update: देश में कोरोना संक्रमितों की संख्या 1.8 लाख पार, 5,000 से अधिक लोगों की मौत

पिछले 24 घंटे में रिकॉर्ड 8380 नए मामले सामने आए हैं और 193 लोगों की मौत हो गई है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

पीएम मोदी आज सुबह 11 बजे करेंगे मन की बात, अनलॉक पर कर सकते हैं चर्चा

पीएम मोदी आज रविवार को 11 बजे रेडियो कार्यक्रम मन की बात के जरिए देशवासियों को संबोधित करेंगे

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

अनलॉक में है छूट, लेकिन 30 जून तक इन नियमों का करना होगा पालन

लॉकडाउन भले ही चरणबद्ध तरीके से खुल जाए, लेकिन सरकार ने कई नियमों का पालन करने के लिए कहा है

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Be Warned! Windows 10 May 2020 Update Can Potentially Render Your PC Useless

Microsoft has confirmed this update may potentially cause some issues with your PC after the update. That risk, in the critical times of work from home, is perhaps not the best idea.

from Top Tech News-

Russia Plans Coronavirus Vaccine Clinical Trials in Two Weeks: Report

Russia has the world's third-highest toll of coronavirus infections and Kremlin officials have said the nation's researchers are working on almost 50 different vaccine projects.

from Top World News-

US Violence: Police Arrest 1,400 in 17 Cities as Protests Rage on Over Death of George Floyd

Floyd died on Monday in Minnesota after a police officer put his knee on Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes.

from Top World News-

Trump Calls Overnight Unrest over Geoge Floyd's Murder 'Work of Rioters, Looters and Anarchists'

'The death of George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis was a grave tragedy,' Trump said from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida where he watched the liftoff of a crewed space flight, adding that Floyd's memory had been dishonored by 'rioters, looters and anarchists.'

from Top World News-

SpaceX Sends 2 NASA Astronauts to ISS in Historic Mission; See Pics

Scripting a historic chapter for the US space programme, Elon Musk-run SpaceX on Saturday sent two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) onboard the reusable Falcon 9 rocket. The SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft carrying NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley was on its way to the orbiting laboratory in the space and had safely reached orbit, NASA said in a statement. It is the first time that astronauts have been sent into space from the US soil since 2011.

from Top World News-

Zoom May Offer Strong Encryption Only to Paid and Enterprise Users

According to Zoom’s security chief Alex Stamos, adding end-to-end encryption to the full platform would prevent his team from monitoring abuse in real time.

from Top Tech News-

Revamped PLI Scheme Aims to Boost Local Smartphone Manufacturing in India

The new production-linked incentive scheme has removed an existing clause that evaluated production machinery brought to India at 40 percent of its value.

from Top Tech News-

SpaceX Sends 2 NASA Astronauts to ISS in Historic Mission; See Pics

Scripting a historic chapter for the US space programme, Elon Musk-run SpaceX on Saturday sent two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) onboard the reusable Falcon 9 rocket. The SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft carrying NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley was on its way to the orbiting laboratory in the space and had safely reached orbit, NASA said in a statement. It is the first time that astronauts have been sent into space from the US soil since 2011.

from Top Tech News-

Romania's Prime Minister Gets Fined $600 For Not Following Virus-Curbing Measures

In a photograph published in Romanian media, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and others can be seen smoking with food and bottles of alcohol on a table.

from Top World News-

Advanced, Proactive Measures: How Vietnam Kept Its Coronavirus Death Toll at Zero

The country of 97 million people has not reported a single coronavirus-related death and on Saturday had just 328 confirmed cases, despite its long border with China and the millions of Chinese visitors it receives each year.

from Top World News-

Trump Strips Hong Kong Privileges, to Bar Some Chinese Students From US Universities

In a day of concerted action, the United States and Britain also raised alarm at the UN Security Council over a controversial new security law for Hong Kong, infuriating Beijing which said the issue had no place at the world body.

from Top World News-

Trump Faces Backlash for Exiting WHO as World Virus Cases Soar, EU Urges Him to Reconsider Decision

Countries in Latin America are bracing for difficult weeks ahead, especially Brazil, where the poor have been hit particularly hard.

from Top World News-

Tear Gas and Burning Cars in US as Protests Against George Floyd's Murder Spread, Curfew in Dozen Cities

Leaders in many affected cities have voiced outrage over Floyd's killing and expressed sympathy for protesters' concerns. But as the unrest intensified, they spoke of a desperate need to protect their cities and said they would call in reinforcements, despite concerns that could lead to more heavy-handed tactics.

from Top World News-

Brazil Virus Death Toll Hits 28,834, Surpassing France; Total Cases Now Second-highest in World

The pandemic is spreading across Brazil under a cloud of confrontation, as governors and mayors implement restrictive measures while President Jair Bolsonaro, who has pinned his hopes of re-election on a booming economy, has berated them for imposing what he calls 'the tyranny of total quarantine.'

from Top World News-

'Intense Time': Truck in Florida Drives Through People Protesting Black Man's Killing, None Injured

Demonstrators outraged over Floyd's death faced off against heavily-armed officers in other states Friday, with some smashing police cars, ransacking businesses and setting fires that smoldered through the night.

from Top World News-

'At Last We're Free': Parisians Head for the Park as Coronavirus Lockdown Eases

Early risers beat the crowds, some bearing breakfast picnics as they waited for the gates of the northeastern Buttes-Chaumont to swing open at 7 am.

from Top World News-

Covid-19 Infections Worldwide Cross 60 Lakh, US Remains Hardest Hit With More Than 17 Lakh Cases

Many countries are testing only symptomatic cases or the most serious ones.

from Top World News-

Fox News Reporter Fisted, Chased Outside White House During Unrest over Death of George Floyd

Demonstrators also broke windows and vandalized the Atlanta office building where CNN is headquartered, and police in Louisville, Kentucky, apologized after an officer fired what appeared to be pepper bullets at a television news crew.

from Top World News-

Divert Weapons Funding to Research to Prevent Next Pandemic, Pope Francis Says

Among those who prayed were Italian doctors, nurses, and ambulance drivers, as well as people who had recovered from coronavirus or lost family members.

from Top World News-

‘George Floyd’s Death a Grave Tragedy’: Trump Denounces Violence by 'Looters and Anarchists'

The US President made the remarks as-- protesters across the country decried the death of African American George Floyd in the hands of police.

from Top World News-

SpaceX Launch: Nasa Astronauts Launch into Orbit in Historic Mission on Private Spaceship

High above the Earth, the Crew Dragon jettisoned moments later from the second-stage rocket, sending the capsule on its way to the space station.

from Top Tech News-

Trump to Delay G7 Meeting Until Fall, Wants Russia, India to Become Members of the 'Outdated' Group

The leaders of the world's major economies were slated to meet in the US this year, but the coronavirus outbreak has hobbled those plans.

from Top World News-

SpaceX Launch: Nasa Astronauts Launch into Orbit in Historic Mission on Private Spaceship

High above the Earth, the Crew Dragon jettisoned moments later from the second-stage rocket, sending the capsule on its way to the space station.

from Top World News-

Friday, May 29, 2020

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Likely To Feature 5nm-Based Exynos 992 Chipset

The standard Galaxy Note 20 will sport a 6.42-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and a 1084*2345 resolution.

from Top Tech News-

Microsoft Reportedly Lays Off Dozens of Editorial Workers and Replace Them With AI

These news production contractors work with Microsoft News, the company's news content arm that operates and other properties

from Top Tech News-

Sony PlayStation 5 to be Unveiled on June 4 at an Online Event: Here's What To Expect

Sony has so far unveiled a logo for the console, the PS5 gamepad, and a tech demo showing the console's graphics capability.

from Top Tech News-

US, Britain Have Raised Issue of Hong Kong Legislation at UN Security Council. China Is Not Pleased

The 15-member council informally discussed Hong Kong in a closed virtual meeting after China opposed a US call on Wednesday for a formal open council meeting, arguing that it was not an issue of international peace and security.

from Top World News-

New York City Expected to Reopen on June 8, as 5 Upstate Regions Will Open More Businesses, Says Guv

Cuomo said he expected some 400,000 New Yorkers to be able to return to their workplaces starting June 8, and said the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) was working on a plan to make the city's mass transit system safe for commuters.

from Top World News-

'State Interfering Has Negative Impact on Marriage': Taiwan Decriminalises Adultery in Landmark Ruling

The democratic island became the latest place in Asia to strike down a ban on marital infidelity following South Korea in 2015 and India in 2018.

from Top World News-

दुनिया में कोरोना के कोहराम के बीच अमेरिका ने डब्ल्यूएचओ से तोड़े संबंध

प्रेसिडेंट डॉनाल्ड ट्रंप ने शुक्रवार को कहा कि अमेरिका डब्ल्यूएचओ के साथ अपने सभी तरह के संबंध खत्म कर देगा।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Coronavirus Live Updates: महाराष्ट्र में कोरोना के 2682 नए मामले, राज्य में अब तक 116 लोगों की हुई मौत

भारत में कोरोना के केस 1.72 लाख के स्तर पर पहुंच गए है। आज भारत में जारी लॉकडाउन का 67वां दिन है।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines|-maharashtra-sees-2682-new-cases-and-116-deaths-8381-patients-recover_234815.html

News18 Network survey: जानिए कोरोना और लॉकडाउन के बीच कैसा है लोगों का मूड

न्यूज 18 नेटवर्क ने लॉकडाउन के दौरान देशभर में लोगों का मूड जानने की कोशिश की और इसके लिए उसने एक ऑनलाइन सर्वे किया।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

शेयर बाजार के लिए खुशखबरी, लॉन्ग टर्म कैपिटल गेंस टैक्स समेत दूसरे मोर्चे पर रियायत की उम्मीद!

लॉन्ग टर्म कैपिटल गेंस टैक्स समेत दूसरे मोर्चे पर रियायत की उम्मीदें फिर जग गई हैं।

from HindiMoneycontrol Top Headlines

Microsoft, Google Team Up to Launch New Built-In Spellchecker For Edge & Chrome Users

The new spell-checker will bring out a series of benefits like better support for URLs, acronyms, an improved shared custom dictionary, email addresses and more.

from Top Tech News-

Travesty of the Numerous 'I Can't Breathes': When US Cops Kill Black People, Redress is Pretty Rare

For an investigation of police accused of using excessive force published this month, Reuters reviewed hundreds of civil rights lawsuits against police.

from Top World News-

Biden Urged to Pick Black VP, Not Klobuchar, as Minneapolis Killing Stokes Racial Tensions

Several said choosing Senator Amy Klobuchar, a former White House rival also being vetted by Biden's team, would have the opposite effect.

from Top World News-

'New Era Begins': Afghan Transit Trade Through Pakistan's Gwadar Port Starts

The transhipment of goods to Afghanistan through Gwadar port, which offers a much shorter overland link particularly to southern regions of the war-torn nation, assumes significance as it is located close to Chabahar, the Iranian port being developed by India to ship its cargo to Afghanistan.

from Top World News-

White House Kept FDA In the Dark on Russian Ventilators for US States: Report

New Jersey and New York did not end up using the ventilators. But details first reported by Reuters about the shipment has drawn scrutiny from Congressional Democrats. The last minute notification meant the ventilators headed for the epicenter of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak did not first receive FDA authorization.

from Top World News-

Germany’s Merkel Won’t Attend Trump's In-person G7 Summit: Report

The White House has said it is putting the huge diplomatic gathering back on the agenda as a 'show of strength; when world economies are gradually reemerging from shutdowns.

from Top World News-

'Just Expressed Sorrow': Trump Backpedals 'Looting Starts, Shooting Starts' Tweet on Minnesota Protests

“We don’t mind being accused of police brutality,” Trump had said, according to news reports from the time.

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Many Canadians Shocked by US Riots, Canada Has Racism Problem Too, Says PM Trudeau

Trudeau's remarks were a highly unusual commentary on American domestic affairs. Canadian prime ministers have in general refrained from discussing events in what is Canada's main ally and largest trading partner.

from Top World News-

China is Embracing a New Brand of Foreign Policy. Here's What Wolf Warrior Diplomacy Means

The 'wolf warriors' represent a completely different type of diplomat to the famously bland Chinese foreign representatives of the past few decades.

from Top World News-

Triple Strike: Trump to Withdraw WHO Funding, End Hong Kong's Special Status & Ban Some China Grads

The president said in a White House announcement that Chinese officials “ignored” their reporting obligations to the WHO and pressured the organization to mislead the public about an outbreak that has now killed more than 100,000 Americans.

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